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Design of power plants and thermal power plants


Providing an object with a backup source of electricity and heat or creating its own independent power plant is a good solution. With the right approach it allows you not only to guarantee continuous operation of the object, but also to save a lot of money. But for this you will need to start designing a thermal power plant, and then implement the project in accordance with all the recommendations of experts. And in this matter you will be helped by professionals of our company. We offer a full range of services to create projects, and further arrangement of power and heat supply systems on the territory. You only need to call us or leave a request on the site for consultation.


What do we offer? 

Our company provides a wide range of services in the field of arrangement of reserve and main sources of heat and electricity on the basis of gas piston plants. When you apply to us for thermal power plant design service, you get the following:

  • Creation of a comprehensive project of all systems under the client’s requirements for power up to 100 mW.
  • Development of all technical documentation and technological solutions.
  • Development of solutions for automation of equipment operation at the site. 
  • We perform the function of general contractor for design. 
  • We accompany the client until the full realization of the project. 
  • We offer author’s supervision during realization, as well as services on arrangement of thermal power plant at the object from our specialists. 
  • We undertake further maintenance and repair of equipment. 

And this is only a part of all services that the company provides. But the first and main becomes the design of thermal power plant networks, as well as power supply. For advice on any questions you can always contact our specialists by phone or by leaving an application on the site.

Why choose your own mini-thermal power plant? 

Setting up your own plant on the territory of your facility requires a well-considered approach. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the norms of power plant design, which require narrow competence.

But first of all it is worth evaluating all the advantages of such a choice, and there are quite a lot of them, including: 

  • Low cost of the resulting electricity. Usually the price is much lower than with centralized power supply, which helps to recoup investments quite quickly. 
  • Stable electricity and heat supply, which does not depend on centralized and does not disappear in the event of an accident on the main line. 
  • Possibility to use equipment with trigeneration mode, and also additional conditioning of premises due to highly efficient application. 
  • Overall reduction of heating and energy supply costs. According to experts’ calculations, the costs will be reduced approximately 3-4 times. Thus, the equipment will pay for itself in just 2-3 years. 
  • The possibility of installation at the facility under construction, where the power supply system is not currently connected. 
  • In some cases, the cost of equipment and installation of your own mini-thermal power plant will be more favorable than connecting the central power supply.
  • Inexpensive maintenance and repair of equipment. All work is performed by our specialists under warranty. 
  • Optimal loading of the station, as well as the ability to increase capacity at any time due to the block design. 

And these are literally a few of the main features of this solution, which are actually much more. Especially such installations are appreciated for their small size, as well as the possibility of placement in any convenient place, even near the object.

Where are mini-thermal power plants used? 

Design of thermal power plant networks is carried out for different objects. It will be especially appropriate to use such technologies at facilities that are far from the common mains. 

The equipment itself can be used in different spheres and purposes. Among the main ones can be distinguished: 

  • Applications in industrial purposes. If we are talking about equipment for production. 
  • In logistics. When it is necessary to provide power to logistics complexes. 
  • In oil production. To power critical equipment in remote areas. 
  • In the housing and utilities sector, as emergency power supplies. 
  • In the agricultural sector, where constant light for plants, charging equipment, machinery, etc. is required.

And these are just a few areas in which the use of gas genset is one of the most rational solutions to ensure uninterrupted supply. It is only important to correctly calculate the required capacity of the installation, design the system and ensure its installation. This is exactly what our specialists are ready to do, guaranteeing high quality and prompt execution of work. All you have to do is to go through several design stages together with us and get a ready-made backup or main source of power and heat supply.


Stages of design

If you need to create a project of a power plant, the specialists of our company will carry out a full range of works and provide a ready package of documents as soon as possible. 

The work itself includes the following: 

  • Preliminary preparation. Specialists need to study all the information about the object, which requires the provision of documentation, as well as expert evaluation and engineering surveys. 
  • Development of technical assignment. After obtaining the necessary information, it is necessary to develop a full-fledged terms of reference, taking into account all the wishes of the client. Here it is necessary to take into account the financial and economic viability, to approve the most attractive option, the main technical solutions, as well as to select the appropriate equipment. 
  • Development of project documentation. At this stage, the design of the power plant and explanatory documentation is prepared. It should include all data about the object, drawings of buildings, equipment, engineering systems and communications. As well as auxiliary documents that are required for state expertise and approval. 
  • Development of working documentation. The project of gas piston power plant also requires working documentation, which includes all necessary drawings and plans of design and engineering solutions. In addition, a specification for all work, equipment, materials, etc. is prepared.
  • Preparation of estimate documentation. Here the estimated economic part, calculation of the cost of works, materials, equipment, expediency of such costs, etc. should be provided. 
  • Approval of documents. The most difficult phase is the passage of state expertise. But our specialists have extensive experience working with this supervisory authority and will help to take into account all the nuances when submitting documents. 
  • Author’s supervision. If the installation of the power plant requires preliminary construction works, the company’s specialists control compliance with all technologies. It is also necessary, if for the installation of Gas genset you turn to a third-party company, rather than ordering from us. 
  • Delivery, assembly and installation of Gas genset, as well as carrying out installation work with the laying of heating, electrical networks, etc. 
  • Technical supervision. Regular inspection and monitoring of the condition of the equipment, as well as its maintenance and repair.

At first glance, the design of electrical power plants may seem the most complicated, time-consuming and incomprehensible process. Our company will help you to understand all the nuances of such works, to choose the best equipment and ensure its stable operation for many years.

Main possibilities of your own power plant 

If you decide to order the design and installation of your own mini-thermal power plant, it provides a large number of options for your facility, including: 

Full Gas genset automation. Modern automation systems are connected to the equipment, which allows you not only to control the equipment, but also to increase its reliability. 

Cogeneration. You get not only electricity, but also heat, making the equipment as efficient as possible. 

Trigeneration. The mode of operation of the equipment, in which you can additionally get cold in addition to heat and electricity. 

Also, the possibilities may also vary depending on which system is chosen. If the design of a shop mini-thermal power plant, it will perform its direct functions, and will be somewhat limited in modernization. At the same time, gaining popularity modular solutions allow you to increase capacity at any time by adding additional modules to the overall system. All this is done as quickly and easily as possible. In addition, a modular solution takes up minimal space on site and can be installed anywhere.


Why contact us? 

Our company has been performing Design of mini-thermal power plants for many years. We know all the features of such structures, equipment and systems and can create an ideal solution for any industrial, commercial or other building. 

At the same time, the company guarantees a large number of advantages for each client, including: 

  • Wide experience and accumulated base of the best solutions for creating Gas genset of any models and capacities. 
  • Fast implementation of equipment into already created automation systems at the object, as well as connection with any safety requirements. 
  • Established relationships with all supervisory authorities. We know what to consider and how best to design so that you don’t have to redo documentation because of a few mistakes and inconsistencies. 
  • We are a Gas genset manufacturer, assembling equipment based on the best gas engines and offer the client unique solutions for his needs. 
  • If necessary, we will pre-create a 3D project of the future station. 
  • The company employs only the best specialists who know exactly how to help you. 
  • We are ready to undertake a full range of work from design to installation. In doing so, we take into account all the norms of technological design of thermal power plants.
  • We guarantee fast and high-quality performance of all works. Start-up of the equipment and adjustment of its operation is carried out literally in 2 weeks. 

And these are just a few of the main advantages of cooperation with our company. Today we are one of the leading suppliers of equipment, which allows us to guarantee the quality and durability of installations. At the same time, we really live up to our claims, because otherwise we will lose our reputation. 

Therefore, if you need to design a mini-thermal power plant, then contacting our company will be the best solution. And you can do it by calling the given number or leaving an application on the website.

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